Victoria Aveyard
4/5 stars
At first, I was skeptical. Seventeen-year-old Mare--with suddenly found magical powers and just as unexpectedly engaged to a prince--seemed to me to be a Mary Sue*. Despite my reservations, I was soon drawn into the story and invested in the characters, and the improbability drifted away as unimportant.
*from Wikipedia: A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities
Aveyard builds her world well and makes it believable. The characters were equally real, with actions, and the reasons behind those actions, being convincing. The plot was exciting, and even though I anticipated the plot twist, it was still thrilling.
Red Queen is a fun and fast read that should appeal to those who enjoy a credible dystopia, a little romance, and a good deal of action. I certainly enjoyed it and look forward to reading the next installment.
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